Recent content by cbradfly1

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  1. C

    3 Irishmen and a Dutchman Walk Into A Sphere - General Discussion Thread Part III

    I'd say it's better than pretty good. I brought the stems into Logic and they sound fantastic. Had to adjust the levels a bit but! Thanks for posting! What AI stemming program are you using?
  2. C

    3 Irishmen and a Dutchman Walk Into A Sphere - General Discussion Thread Part III

    I went first week in December then went back last weekend. It was definitely bigger but not too bad. I went in at 8p last Sat (Thanks to Miroslava!) and had this spot.
  3. C

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    Touche. Bono was in a surly mood on Sunday. Aside from the Bram thing, they were late coming on then at one point he alluded to their hangovers from Sat. That probably contributed to the "Peace on Earth" bit. Guessing they were getting that together before the show. It was good BTW. Felt more...
  4. C

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    Bono scolded him twice for a hiccup during Mys Ways Sunday night. I felt a little sorry for him. He does such a great job.
  5. C

    U2 Fans Helping Other U2 Fans Get Tickets

    That was the case. No ticket drop at all today. Not even seats.
  6. C

    U2 Fans Helping Other U2 Fans Get Tickets

    I noticed lots of tickets this weekend as well. Maybe demand has run it's course and they are ending at the right time at the end of the month. Hope that's the case next Sat when I am in town without a ticket.
  7. C

    U2 Fans Helping Other U2 Fans Get Tickets

    I would be interested if it is still available?
  8. C

    U2 Fans Helping Other U2 Fans Get Tickets

    Sorry haven't had a chance to jump back on here. Sent you text.
  9. C

    U2 Fans Helping Other U2 Fans Get Tickets

    I have some friends who have backed out for 2/18 so looks like I'm putting 3 GA's back onto the TM fan exchange for 2/18 on Monday evening. I will try to do it at approx 6pm ET.
  10. C

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    Caught last night's show from just under the overhang . That whole section was great. Two Hearts was fantastic.
  11. C

    Atlanta Setlist Party

    I agree. I am just winding down from it. It was a blast. For all of you out there who have not seen it yet I would reccomend that you ignore the setlist crap and just enjoy it. It’s a great show.
  12. C

    The List Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way - All GA Line Drama Discussions Here

    My friends and I will be sitting by my pool (weather permitting) until 4p. Then we will take showers (separately in most cases) and call Uber around 4:30p. Then I will pack a cooler with beer and we will head over (About 15 mi from my house). Should be there by 6p or so. We will drink the beer...
  13. C

    The List Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way - All GA Line Drama Discussions Here

    I wonder what they will do, Nate and Naomi? Sounds like a great love story. When the tour is over I mean? Will they focus this dedication towards something bigger? Or will they just fall back into their trust funds knowing that they helped the privileged line leaders get a rail spot. One wonders?
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