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  1. B

    Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way appreciation thread

    That's easy to answer. Because late last year they thought Best Thing would be it. And then Get Out and American Soul. I think it is just kind of a desperate move to find one song which really is THE song and they try one after the other.
  2. B

    More SOE Reviews

    Tampa Bay Times - Winner of 14 Pulitzer Prizes: A Low Point ... Review: U2's 'Songs of Experience' a low point for a band capable of so much more
  3. B

    More SOE Reviews

    Because R&H is not a soundtrack album. It had 9 new studio songs on the album plus 9 previoulsy unreleased studio songs on b-sides of which 2 were written by U2 and the rest covered from other artists. All in all quite a productive period.
  4. B

    SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

    Spanish site Exvagos - Descargar películas , series ,juegos y más shares a 320kbps version of SOE Deluxe. Does anybody know if this is legit or just a reencode of the 192kbps version?
  5. B

    SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

    I am still in awe when listening to Summer of Love. It is such a light song for such a heavy topic. I watched the story of the Aleppo gardener on YouTube and almost started to cry when listening to this beautiful song. For me this is a masterpiece of songwriting.
  6. B

    SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

    Well, there are people who swear they can hear the material of the speaker cable ...
  7. B

    SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

    Sorry for not being able to give you more details when I made the post that it is out, however, the battery of my phone literally died away while being on the road. Glad to see that you guys were able to grab it. Will do the same now.
  8. B

    SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

    It's out Finally. It's out. 192kbps CD rip. Edit: Don't have it.
  9. B

    SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

    Yep, you just have to play Red Flag Day. If it starts with Rob saying "The Showman!" it is the FB stream.
  10. B

    SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

    Of course bitrate doesn't say anything about quality. The 110mb version is the converted FB stream. Somebody took poor quality input and converted it with 320kbps bitrate. The 70mb ha 192kbps bitrate. In theory it could be a proper vinyl rip, however, if somebody takes this effort they certainly...
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