Recent content by bazzza1

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. bazzza1

    2022 subscriber gift: Achtung Baby 30 Live

    Anyone got or know off a FLAC rip of CD? cheers:up:
  2. bazzza1

    New subscribers gift for 2021

    When it comes to releases etc they are pathetic, especially in this age!
  3. bazzza1

    U2's Next Album?/Songs of Ascent?

    Great shout, plus they'd hopefully be releasing live editions, live boxsets etc, the usual stuff to keep the dosh rolling in. :drool:
  4. bazzza1

    SOE promo tour/promo activities

    I'm sure like most people i want to hear the great music and singing live, i hate when Bono starts ramming political messages down peoples throats, stick to what you're good at, you've wrote the song, great thats enuff.
  5. bazzza1

    The Blackout (Jacknife Lee Remix)

    Yeah me too, sorry but the vinyl rip is weak, thanks in advance.
  6. bazzza1

    The Blackout (Jacknife Lee Remix)

    would one of our friends from Japan care to rip the cd version if possible please:wave:
  7. bazzza1

    SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

    Yeah, joke do they not realise that release day is important to fans, there's shops that open at midnight tonight in places, but yet U2.COM get you them 3/4 days later, hopefully someone drops a wee itunes rip somewhere .....hint hint.....please!:reject:
  8. bazzza1

    SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

    i ordered deluxe cd, no receipt money took same day, 3 weeks ago, heard nothing since, email them on tuesday, sent back saying will be shipped on fri 01/12, fukin' raging, what's the point of 'pre-order'? maybe not get to mon/tue next week When do we get download codes??? tomorrow???? fuck...
  9. bazzza1

    SOE Holdouts until 12/1- The End is Near

    If you've pre-ordered it on does it drop on friday in the post does anyone know?:drool:
  10. bazzza1

    SOE 35 - it’s finally here, let the debate on how good/bad it is begin!

    Doesn't exist, if it does it's the 192kbps blew to bits under '320kbps'..........usual.
  11. bazzza1

    SOE 34: If there is a leak, don't let it go unheard

    I suppose its better than someone trying to encode a 192 to 356 or flac and distort the fuk outta of it.
  12. bazzza1

    The Blackout (Jacknife Lee Remix)

    oh please, thank you:hyper:
  13. bazzza1

    Songs of Experience torrent sites

    Noel G's is imminent.....hour or so:reject:
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