Recent content by AiRMaRcI9o0

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. AiRMaRcI9o0

    June 17, 2018 - Washington, DC - Capital One Arena

    Any idea if Fado or Irish Channel will be doing anything special (e.g., cover bands, etc.) before the show? I'm thinking about coming into the city early with my dad, who I'm bringing to the show for Father's Day.
  2. AiRMaRcI9o0

    ***SPOILERS*** U2 eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour - Rehearsals/Soundcheck Thread #2

    Some more AR/stage spoilers in this video interview: Bono: Why U2 is embracing AR tech on tour - Video - Technology
  3. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Augmented Reality?

    wrong thread
  4. AiRMaRcI9o0

    SPOILERS U2 eXPERIENCE + iNNOCENCE Tour Rehearsals/Soundcheck Thread SPOILERS First glimpse of the "augmented reality" visuals?
  5. AiRMaRcI9o0

    U2 Ticket Sales 101 - 12/4/14 and onward

    To those having issues trying to get tickets on TicketBastard...try doing it through the TicketMaster app. The website kept crashing on me every time I got tickets on my laptop (lost some really good seats :angry:) but it went through seamlessly on the app.
  6. AiRMaRcI9o0

    LP13: Please let something happen.

    New music...confirmed.
  7. AiRMaRcI9o0

    U2 LP13 Discussion I guess recording a new album doesn't count anymore?
  8. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

    Live video stream of Arcade Fire from the top of Capitol Records starts in a few Los Angeles
  9. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

    Another live stream tonight at 9:30ET from the top of Capitol Records Los Angeles
  10. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

    Recording is up on the NPR website. Arcade Fire In Concert : NPR
  11. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

    Sprawl II :drool:
  12. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

    A lot of the tracks seem to translate live much better than I thought they would
  13. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

    "We're on the air? Hello Liberal America..." :lol:
  14. AiRMaRcI9o0

    Arcade Fire, a.k.a. The Reflektors.

    Sounds like the hidden/reverse track is playing in the background at the moment.
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