Recent content by A_Wanderer

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  1. A_Wanderer

    Biological sex and gender identity: differences and overlaps

    We can force people into two sex buckets with narrow-mindedness or we can acknowledge that human biology is messy and personal identity messier still.
  2. A_Wanderer


    The person or a community who was wronged letting the perpetrator know they aren't harbouring ongoing resentment or possibly blame. I think so and I get creeped out by the idea that it's automatically the right thing to forgive. It may be relatively innocuous when it comes to jerks who want...
  3. A_Wanderer

    Study:Christians Under Threat Around the World

    Terrific evidence based arguments for secular religious pluralism.
  4. A_Wanderer

    United States of Entropy Part 2

    Take heart that those unliveable wages are shifting the companies burden of paying their workers onto the taxpayer, where it belongs!.
  5. A_Wanderer

    Science and Religion

    The idea that science and religion can be complimentary still seems misplaced to me. Obviously people can be religious and accept scientific explanations about the world but it seems that religious thinking is not a hinderance at best because people are great at compartmentalising their thoughts...
  6. A_Wanderer

    The Truth, Still Inconvenient

    I ought to point out that the accommodations that purpleoscar puts forth is exactly the kind of sliding intransigence that I have alluded to, quite possibly in this thread, of deliberate ignorance leading to limited acknowledgement of a problem until the cost-benefit is problematic. A thinking...
  7. A_Wanderer

    Christopher Hitchens has died

    Christopher Hitchens is dead. His writing has influenced the way I think. I value his contribution to the argument.
  8. A_Wanderer

    Friends, even Grandparents, don't know if baby 'Storm' is a boy or a girl.

    I don't see anything wrong with this. It doesn't seem coercive and the problems that people have with it are more a reflection upon them than the family.
  9. A_Wanderer

    the New Testament was forged

    Irvine posted a much wiser aphorism before. If the definition of wisdom is to accept the extraordinary on faith and acting on that then I think the worldly objection that it is foolish stands up quite well.
  10. A_Wanderer

    2M Michigan lottery winner still receiving food stamps...

    Millionaire lottery winners are probably a significant drain on the welfare system and I can see why I should get upset about this.
  11. A_Wanderer

    the New Testament was forged

    Do not deceive yourselves. If any of you think you are wise by the standards of this age, you should become “fools” so that you may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight. As it is written: “He catches the wise in their craftiness" and again, “The Lord knows that...
  12. A_Wanderer

    Osama Bin Laden is dead.

    How is Osama Bin Laden not religious?
  13. A_Wanderer

    Osama Bin Laden is dead.

    There is little wrong with having between two and only two people.
  14. A_Wanderer

    Osama Bin Laden is dead.

    Don't you believe in biblical marriage?
  15. A_Wanderer

    Osama Bin Laden is dead.

    I think that holding this type of religious clothing as an example of free expression is a very modern take on something derived from a time when women were treated as chattel. Obligatory modesty codes that says women must cover themselves because men cannot help themselves should be problematic...
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