US Politics XXXVI: Special Masters of our Domain

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Also the olive sweatshirt is the new tan suit. Tucker said Zelensky looked like the manager of a strip club.

Because what one wears to address Congress is far more important than, I don't know, busting in to the building and chanting about hanging the Vice President.
We are giving Ukraine scraps of our defense budget. It’s basically a outlet mall of weapons and gear.

I have no issue with the money going to them. They are doing the dirty work

What i have a issue with is not including things like the child tax credit to keep kids out poverty, yet congress can approve something like 30-80 billion dollars MORE for defense than what Biden even asked for in original draft.

This country continues to fall behind in nearly every measure except military funding
There is a legitimate discussion to be had about how much money is being sent to Ukraine, completely separate from how the GOP is using it politically. Some of them definitely appear to be aligned with Putin. Because Trump was I guess?

Is there a legitimate discussion? We spend billions on weapons manufacturing and storage. This is the cost to use the weapons. If you’re against it, protest the initial procurement.
I support giving them the money, I just think all aspects of what the government spends money on should be up for discussion by taxpayers. That doesn't mean I disagree with it.

Tucker should go to Russia and fight for them, but he probably has bone spurs
Nothing says the spirit of Christmas and the message of Jesus like sending adults and children, wearing t shirts, to DC when it's record cold. Sanctity of human life
Without fail the media and public at large completely fucks up the Trump story.

That he pays no taxes is meaningless. A lot of people pay zero taxes. This is more a function of our tax code than it is some sort of Trump world scandal. So stop friggin making it out to be one.

What everyone should be questioning is how, exactly, did the Trump Hotel DC - which was always full with international visitors and diplomats paying way above market rate - still managed to post huge losses.

That's the real story
Yeah I literally said those exact words to my friend yesterday when he asked me if I heard the news. I was like no, haven’t heard it, but also really don’t care if the guy paid 0 taxes. I mean… I do, but in this case I certainly don’t hate the player, I hate the game.

What sucks is we can’t rely upon a process because everything is driven politically, electorally, and whatever is popular in media. But I’m still hopeful that justice prevails (if evidence of crimes is apparent).
Could be (and will be) an embarrassing few days for the Republicans.
And at the same time, a very healthy exercise of the House process :up:
This is day one of the new Congress.

We’ve got two years of this ahead
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