PGP: We're Dancing in the Crystal Ballroom

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
ooh, a BOOK char, cba, didnt even know that :lol:


All in all, its an elve. They will alway have something of a feminine vibe to them. I don't really mind. Legolas got poorly portraied in the LOTR films. The Hobbit is a bit better.

Hardly any movie about a great novel , doesn't do justice most of the time.
Thats the whole point. :reject: Probably why I tend to read the books after I see the movies.:reject:

Oh dear, only 39 ish posts left!


yes and no, he feeds it after as you cant do that often as it takes so much energy from that plant to close

plant gets delicious dinner after tho :hug:
Oh, I knew it was going to say you would like the last one then. :drool:
But wasn't sure anymore. Loooots of Legolas in this one. And his dad Thranduil or something :lmao:

Thranduil is a douchecanoe - hell, he's a doucecraftcarrier :wink: I was supposed to see the third one on Wed night but went home sick from work, then had two Christmas parties on Thursday so stayed downtown and was *not* carrying an overnight bag and a knitting bag into a theatre (one or the other yes, not both). May have to wait until I get back from the 'rents after Christmas to see it :(
I couldn't stop imagining that if Severus Snape had a blonde grandfather...
:doh: Completely random. But its just the actors voice that makes me think of Rickman.

Also seeing it later will probably be a lot cheaper by then. I'm still wondering why I paid more than 10 euro's for a cinema ticket. Not to mention getting some drinks with the included popcorn. :wink:
I like the dramatic picture of the cable tower. The vignetting is particularly nice.
Talking bout tree loving. You have too much of them over there.
Thranduil is a douchecanoe - hell, he's a doucecraftcarrier :wink: I was supposed to see the third one on Wed night but went home sick from work, then had two Christmas parties on Thursday so stayed downtown and was *not* carrying an overnight bag and a knitting bag into a theatre (one or the other yes, not both). May have to wait until I get back from the 'rents after Christmas to see it :(

hey drea happy holidays! :wave: my sis & i have seen all of them together.

we may see it on new years day *cue music*

tho she sometimes falls asleep if the battles go on for too long.
So maybe we'll see Interstellar . i wouldn't mind seeing it again. i don't think she has.
:wave: Darting in and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! It's going to be a very busy week for me, but at least I'll FINALLY be able to tell Lil'CK about the tour -- he's getting his tickets Christmas morning!

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!!!! :grouphug:

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:wave: be in others threads

if i don't get back here before 12/26
be well and ***Happy Holidays*** !!!

(i hope i'll be back on line tomorrow- not sure)

ps @ my sib's house (semi house-sitting) left her laptop home

I got here too late have the stereo up loud (!!!) but even on a moderate level since her system is much than what i have now--

brought AB B-sides w me :hyper: :love: :love: :drool:
and now i have Zooropa (song) on :love: :love: :drool:
Soooo wonderful!

I remember when i first saw here in the tour threads that they'd played it in end of 2010 in Europe :ohmy::ohmy::ohmy: was so worried they'd ditch it when returning to The States again! As in "too "esoteric" " for the usa

To hear it LIVE (along seeing the color abstracts on The Screen) in Philly and then at Giants Stadium oh def up there in my penultimate concert moments! :swoon: :)
Nice. I've been listening to 360 recordings lately too. :love: I'm thinking this tour is going to be even better for Bono vocally.
Here's my after Christmas story!

I'm enjoying our idiot neighbours who atm are extremely drunk each feckin saturday sunday, etc.
This has been ging on ever since we lived here. And even before that. Since we know the previous owners very well.
They keep shouting and playing music untill 3 in the night at least... It started at 12 ... Its now 2 . So I guess I still can enjoy their excessive behavior for at least an hour from now.

My fam and me have tried just about anything to make them stop. Asking polity. Many times. Yrs ago. Asking less politely. They didnt like that , so they threatened to kill us. :tsk:

Booze talking there. So no biggie. We did call the police.
And at least they got a small fine. It shu them up for about two months. An now they are going full throttle again.

Its really getting to a point now at which I like to thank them for it.. By throwing a rock through one of their windows or something. Just to make me feel good.

I miss our free standing house. :grumpy:

I'll suck it up eventually. But writing about it makes me feel better already. Scuze moi for the rant! Happy Holidays really! Cant wait for 2015 and seeing U2 in Amsterdam!
Aw, Happy Christmas, Domo. Tell them all to burn in hell from me! :D

I just got new speakers in my kitchen and have had SOI on rotation... I'm liking it better and better. How many of these songs do you think will get played live?
Domo I just moved out of an apartment with loud insane drunk neighbors. I wish I'd done it years ago; best $1000 I ever spent. I had the advantage of just getting another unit in my complex. It's worth the money to salvage my mental health.

Sent from my iPad using U2 Interference
Was late checking my email, but found this little gem in my Inbox from the past week. There's a poster on the Wire mailing list who has a friend in Dublin, who just ran into someone special. She said:

"Thought you'd be interested to know who I met yesterday while having Xmas lunch with my girlfriends. It was our annual get-together and as you can imagine a bunch of Dublin mums, let loose from the kiddies for a day, we all tend to get a bit rowdy! Well, after about an hour of us all howling, sharing our stories, a waitress came over with 2 bottles of champagne "from the gentleman in the corner."We were obviously chuffed and thanked him from afar. As he was leaving he came over--and he said--it's seldom he got out, so he wanted to share the joy and hence the champers, and wished us a merry Christmas."
She added as a postscript: "I must admit--now I think he's tops!"

(A true Dubliner, LOL.) She said she had a blurry attached pic to share but hasn't put it up. We'd all love to see it of course, but if B requested no images online, I'd honor his privacy and understand..)

When I read this I just *MELTED*. I'm sorry, but I just want to....:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

This shows you what kind of guy he always has been and still is. Thinking of others even though he feels like crap. And I just see his face as he said that.

I'm sorry....fangirl sigh....I just....:heart::heart:

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