PGP : Assemble! Like penguins in the wild!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Oh and I found this one bigger. :sexywink:


This picture... I like it.


ANOTHER!!! *smashes coffecup*

Both are abdolutely devine.
I have zero inspiration for a new thread title. Just saying.

Might be because we now flew back ro the north island,
shitty rental car, grumpy people, shit weather amd apparently everything you can do during a rainy day, is closed.

I miss the south. Hope the weather clears up soon.
I think Bono said four little words regarding a coffee cup the other night that would do very well for a thread title. Any guesses what they are?
I think Bono said four little words regarding a coffee cup the other night that would do very well for a thread title. Any guesses what they are?

No , I forgot. I only saw it once and was too amused by the Adam playing while being high joke :giggle:,
and Egde kicking in with Stairway yet again.
I'd rather have some Edge screenshots from Invisible@fallon clip :drool:

But Ill take that gif with it.
Ehehehehe , go Finland! Hence all the put down Putin images on your facebook?
Epic! I think Holland only won in Speed skating, but we pretty much won every distance.
I'llroot for Finland. When is the nexrmt match?
Is the coffee cup bit the part about naughty girls? :censored:

I really dont remember much about the speech...I was too busy giggling about the Adam-being-high joke and then dying as Edge started playing Stairway. And of course, acoustic OL killed me. I fell in love all over again. :love:

I only saw it on Mon night and have clips bookmarked for when I get a chance to dl them (and watch on repeat).
:huh: What the hell is going on with the site? Anyone having trouble? I only have about half the normal space on my screen, the rest is just blank column on the right? It looks terrible!
I have it too. Weird!

Oooo, I can see that tumblr is going to be a major temptation to resist. I can feel is suuuuuuucking all my time away already. It's like an endless web of bunny trails. And you know what kind of bunnies they are.
I have it too. Weird!

Oooo, I can see that tumblr is going to be a major temptation to resist. I can feel is suuuuuuucking all my time away already. It's like an endless web of bunny trails. And you know what kind of bunnies they are.

I got sucked in already. :sad: I tried to resist it for a long time. I opened mine a couple years ago I think, but I never used it, until about a year ago. I now spend about half my online time there, and half here. :reject:

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